- 1 Presentations.
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- 4 Presentation timetable.
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ALL00 Updates from labs
In the past months a team at worked hard on bending userinterface boundaries in new directions. In this presentation we willshow one possible application of our research.
ALL02 Virtualization Solutions for OS/2 as Host and Guest Operating System
Thursday 15:30 Helena
With modern virtualization solutions like Innotek's/Sun's VirtualBox, VMWare, MS VirtualPC, etc. you can use different operating systems on one single PC, without the need to reboot if you want to use a special application. This presentation will show some pros and cons as well as some possibilities to use OS/2 or eCS as host and guest. The session will try to show one solution to virtualize the...
ALL03 eCS 2.x the next update cycle
Friday 13:45 Helena
This presentation will give an update on the status of both software and hardware support. This will includeFlash, Java Support, Printing with CUPS, USB Stack, AHCI driver support for disc controllers, NIC support, Panorama driver development To see the video your browser must support HTML5 Ogg Theora Video such as Firefox v3.5 or greater.
ALL04 Linux and BSD - A Comparison between the Basic Operating Systems
Friday 12:00 Helena
The philosopy of Unix systems strongly differs from typical PC destop environments like OS/2 and Windows. These are not evident for people migrating to this systems, even though during the last years, Linux tries to adapt Microsoft's way of user experience. The architecture of BSD systems is different from that. The presentation will discuss the structure and philosophy of BSD operating systems,...
ALL05 The “Voyager-Desktop 2.0” — A solution to get the WPS on a modern system?
Many current and former OS/2 users still name the object-oriented Workplace Shell of OS/2 as the outstanding feature, even compared to all other modern operating systems on the market. This presentation will give a short overview of the work that Adrian Gschwend and others from have already done after the idea of replacing the WPS had come up first. It will show which parts of...
ALL06 Persönlichlichkeitsrechte und Datenschutz in elektronischen Medien - eine Auswahl - Teil 1
Teil 1: Einführung, Geschichte des Datenschutzes, Internationale und nationale Regelungen zum Datenschutz und deren Abgrenzung, Datenschutz und Grundrechte, zugleich ein kurzer Überblick zu deren Umfang und Beschränkungen, Datenschutz und das Bundesverfassungsgericht, Grundlegende Begriffe des Datenschutzrechts, Flankierende Rechte im Datenschutz, Datenschutz und Logs Aus...
ALL07 Persönlichlichkeitsrechte und Datenschutz in elektronischen Medien - eine Auswahl - Teil 2
Teil 2: Datenschutz und Auskunftsrechte, Anonymisieren von Daten, Auslagern von Daten, insbesondere Cloud-Computing, Überblick über verwandte Persönlichkeitsrechte, Das Recht am eigenen Bild, Persönlichkeitsrecht und Meinungsfreiheit, Das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht am Beispiel von Google Street View, Fragen zum Vortrag Aus versicherungsrechtlichen Gründen kann der Vortrag leider nicht im...
APP01 DFSee version 10.x — Functionality Overview and New Features, part 1
The presentation will give an overview of DFSee, with emphasis on newer features like the bootable USB stick, but also FAQ issues like large FAT32 removable disk usage ... To see the video your browser must support HTML5 Ogg Theora Video such as Firefox v3.5 or greater.
APP02 DFSee version 10.x — Functionality Overview and New Features, part 2
The presentation will give an overview of DFSee, with emphasis on newer features like the bootable USB stick, but also FAQ issues like large FAT32 removable disk usage ...Video see part 1 of the presentation ...
APP03 for OS/2 and eCS
Saturday 14:15 Gratianus for OS/2 and eComStation To see the video your browser must support HTML5 Ogg Theora Video such as Firefox v3.5 or greater.
APP04 Lucide, a plugin based document viewer for OS/2 and eCS
Friday 15:45 Helena
Lucide, a plugin based document viewer for OS/2 and eCS. To see the video your browser must support HTML5 Ogg Theora Video such as Firefox v3.5 or greater.
APP05 EasySync - PM Synchronisation
Friday 14:45 Gratianus
EasySync - This program, a PM syncronisation program for PC's and laptops, will be released and presented at Warpstock Europe for the first time. The presentation will explain the ideas behind the program as well as the development decisions made. There will be time during the presentation for potential users to state their needs and thus get involved in shaping the future...
DEV01 Using XML Services for Web Application Development
Saturday 10:00 Gratianus
In this session Christian Langanke shows in a sample how XML web services are accessed via SOAP in PHP, and how XSL templates are used to generate the XHTML output from XML. In both concerns XML is the key to a highly modular application design. As the concept of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) further requests to loosely couple the components of a distributed system, the sample shows how...
DEV02 OS2ports – How to build open source software with OS2
In this presentation you get information about installing the build environment from Paul Smedley and how to compile open source software with it.
DEV03 TXscript — Advanced Scripting, as Used in DFSee 9.03 and Higher
TXscript is just one of the major new features in DFSee version 9 and 10, and used more and more now for recovery and other DFSee scripts.
INT01 SSH, OpenSSL and STunnel for secure communication on OS/2
Friday 10:00 Gratianus
This session shows the results for the search how to use a secure connection with my mailserver (Weasel). The first option was installing and using OpenSSH. This works pretty good as a side effect you get a secure connection to control your home pc. It is possible to get control in a commandline window, but also on the PMShell there are possibilities. Installing and using OpenSSH will be the...
MME01 DOSBOX, ScummVM & Co. — Fun & Games with OS/2
Friday 12:00 Gratianus
EVT00 Meet and Greet
Thursday 17:30 - All rooms -
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