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Last update: 04/10/2010 11:55

Presentation Details

ALL05 The “Voyager-Desktop 2.0” — A solution to get the WPS on a modern system?

Friday 14:45 Helena

Many current and former OS/2 users still name the object-oriented Workplace Shell of OS/2 as the outstanding feature, even compared to all other modern operating systems on the market.

This presentation will give a short overview of the work that Adrian Gschwend and others from have already done after the idea of replacing the WPS had come up first.

It will show which parts of these concepts can be reused (e.g. Netlabs Object Model (NOM) that might replace the SOM), what else is needed to create a WPS-like desktop on a modern *nix system, and the advantages and limitations of such a solution.

Finally, there will be a discussion of whether there is interest in the OS/2 community to set this up again as a future project.

